Big Building Blocks

April 24, 2020

Big Building Blocks

On our shop day last week when we were building the bird cage stand, Lucas and Jillian discovered some big building blocks!

Lucas made some boats with tall sails.

Jillian hopped out and made more boats!

Lucas made the tiny ones sneak up on the big ones and I heard “Boom!” and “Thud!” the blocks (the bad guy pirate boats) fell to the floor! Everything is a toy. I love Lucas’ wild and crazy imagination. Everything he finds is a new something with a story. His boats had many adventures while Becky and I built… and his big sisters took pictures.

I love cultivating their imagination! He learns so much letting his stories come alive.

Enjoy the imagination of those around you. Follow along with them and see just where it will lead… you never know what kind of adventure a few beads, sticks, crayons, chalk sticks, or bits of board will take you!

Type at you later,

~Nancy Tart

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