Laud is Mobile!

Laud is Mobile!

Timewarp Story from: March 20, 2024

Yes, it is happening too quickly!

My little mover has been able to climb over his bassinet side for about two months but I’ll say, “Laud, where are you going?” and most of the time he grins and sits down.  The few other times I caught him as he tried to stick his foot over and slide out.  On this day, I let him slide his way out. 

He was so pleased with himself!  He slid down onto his knees in a little area by my desk that I had babyproofed for him.  He was totally happy on that little soft blanket with his stacking toys for almost an hour while Thea was at Preschool Program.  Lucas kept asking, “mom, why is he so happy by himself?”  Lucas wasn’t a fan of Laud going independently mobile.

Today, I grabbed the baby bucket when I got home. 

It’s a car shaped plastic bucket we’ve had hanging around since Jillian or so.  We used it for the wooden trains.  When they outgrew it, it was the home for Lucas’ favorite cars.   

I picked up the all-time favorite baby toys.  These cute little ramps with horses and riders.  The horses and riders trot down the ramps.  They were a Grandma gift to Christina and Becky ages ago (I was reminded of this tonight by Christina).  Prince Eric is the fastest.  Laud gets excited when they are trotting and grabs them at the end of the ramps.

Another is the baby stacking duplos.  They are fatter than regular duplos and have rounded tops for easier stacking.  Our collection started with a flea market garbage bag of random “blocks” for $1.00 that ended up being the start of duplos, baby duplos, mega blocks, and old school wooden blocks. 

Laud has some new toys too – thanks to Grandma, he has a triceratops whose horn is his favorite chew toy.  We hooked a teether to it.  Thea gave him “a good first car” aka Chase in his police car and some fisher price little people.

He’s crawling all over.  Sitting up and laying back down.  Pulling up on furniture.  My baby is truly mobile.  I’m not sure I’m ready for mobile baby stage, but it’s here!  Thank you, Jesus, for the honor of watching your beautiful children grow!  I type this as I listen to classic rock with Louis and hear the teenage conversations on the couch behind me.  Thank you, Jesus, for my wonderful family!  I am so blessed!

*smiling sigh* Well, let’s see where Laud goes next!

Thank you for reading.

Type at you next time,

~Nancy Tart

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