Cranberry Sauce Sweet’n’Sour

July 10, 2019

Cranberry Sauce Sweet’n’Sour

We had a few leftover cans of cranberry sauce from around Thanksgiving.  (A few?  Like a dozen or so!)  We don’t like to waste stuff, you know, waste not want not, and since we’d given so much away our family didn’t need any more cranberry sauce for the next year, Louis decided to be creative.  (This is always the BEST when he decides to dream up something new!)

So, 1 cup soy sauce, 8 ounces of cranberry sauce, some garlic, ginger, assorted seasonings, ½ cup of pineapple juice, veggies, and some meat.

It was the best sweet and sour we’ve had!  This will likely be our go to dish in a pinch.  We might just finish up our overage of cranberry sauce before Thanksgiving.

Type at you later,

~Nancy Tart



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