Odd Biology

Some thoughts on how unique our biology is; we are each uniquely beautiful.

March 13, 2018

Odd Biology

You know, our bodies are all unique.  This is an amazing thing – but I bet it’s frustrating to medical science!

You see, I have this odd biology where my body reacts to some of the silliest things.  (One of the reasons I’m so into organic and natural as possible!)  I had some bad mosquito bites so Louis suggested I take some Benadryl.  Normal stuff for everyone to take, right?  Not me.  I break out in hives – my entire body covered in red icky blotches that itched worse than chicken pox at 19!  So I’m allergic to normal Benadryl.  I’m allergic to latex.  I’m allergic to aspartame, phenylalanine, and acesulfame-potassium.  My body is just weird.

Last week I got pneumonia and was prescribed an antibiotic.  I followed all directions, stayed away from foods that might cause any reaction, but does my body just accept this medicine and dry up the pneumonia?  No.  Not me.  I’m two days from finishing the antibiotic when I bust out in hives and nausea that puts me to bed.

So I go in to the doctor and they are like “well, you are allergic to this antibiotic.  Usually we prescribe an antihistamine like Benadryl to combat the hives, but that won’t do you any good.”

I walk out with orders to rest, eat fresh pineapple, drink water and Gatorade or coconut water, and come back if the reaction gets worse.  I’m told, “it could take 5 to 7 days for the antibiotic to leave your system.”

Oh well.  At least I rarely get sick.  And now I know another chemical my body rejects.  Its interesting learning how different each person’s biology is: Louis and the girls don’t have any issues with fake sugars or with Benadryl.

Isn’t it amazing how unique each of our bodies are?  All of us have something that makes us different from everyone else.  We are each uniquely beautiful.

Thanks for reading!

Type at you later…

~Nancy Tart


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