
April 10, 2020


Sometimes things don’t go as planned.

So you have to learn to improvise.  In the words from a movie I used to watch with my Daddy, “adapt and overcome.” (Heartbreak Ridge with Clint Eastwood)  Daddy used that phrase all the time, along with “think outside the box,” and “look at it from every angle.”  He loved how the scientists and engineers basically dumped a box of items on the table in front of themselves when trying to bring Apollo 13 back to Earth and said “this is what they have, fix the problem with this.”

This kind of thinking is what I try to teach as an educator.  I try to have my characters in books use it to solve problems so my readers will grasp the concept that sometimes there are various ways of solving a problem and all of them aren’t obvious. 

These deep thoughts came from this: We wanted to watch a family movie and I wanted popcorn.  We always air pop popcorn with a new movie!  Not a kernel in sight (a 2nd Lieutenant and an Airman, but those wouldn’t work). 

Jaquline said, “I’ll make popcorn tangerines!”

She presented us with this

And we continued our family movie night.

Sometimes, you have to do with what you have.  Silly thoughts from no popcorn and eating tangerines from a flower instead, right?  That’s my crazy writer’s brain.

What have you done to improvise lately?  Something that you normally do one way but now are doing differently?

Thank you for reading.

Type at you next time,

~Nancy Tart

Two Flyers

October 27, 2019

Two Flyers

Christina has been in Civil Air Patrol for a little over two years now.  She got to fly an airplane before she could legally drive a car.  (This freaked mom out a bit!) Now, I have two cadets!

C/2nd Lt Tart and C/Airman Tart

Yes, my little spunky Kimberly has been dreaming of the day she would be twelve years old for over two years (she got to hang out each time we stayed as a Civil Air Patrol unofficial “junior cadet” aka little sibling close to joining age who participates).  She discovered gymnastics and loves it!  She’s even planned to save Tuesdays (Team girls get one day off a week) just for CAP. 

Kimberly wants to be a large animal veterinarian specializing in genetic research, reproduction, and rehabilitation.  Although this doesn’t have much to do with flying planes, rocketry, space, or cyber-security, she wants to be in CAP for a while.  She wants to do any medical training, explore the education they offer, and do UCCs and other fitness related competitions.  She may discover her second love is really fitness… someday. 

That being said, part of our educational philosophy is to encourage the students to explore all experiences they can…

Including my just twelve year old, been officially in CAP two weeks, airman to try her excited, scared, jittery hand at flying.

Yes!  (Mom is less freaking out because C/2nd Lt. Tart was with her too, but still!)  My twelve year old has flown a plane – and my just-sixteen-at-the-time had “run out” of o-rides.

Type at you next time,

~Nancy Tart

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