Popping Pool Days

April 30, 2020

Popping Pool Days

So when Grandma Tina brought Lucas’ new bicycle, she also brought a little pool! The girls were like, “oh, look, a baby pool for Thea!” and “6 feet! Wow, I can lay down in it and not touch each wall!”

It was not just Thea’s pool!

After each empty, they scrub it out with our dishwashing soap, relocate it so as not to totally kill the grass, and start over! The first refill has a tad of soap left – the last refill had a bit too much soap but they made hats out of the bubbles!

Here are some video tidbits!

And Lucas had to try it… he said “let me do it, just me!”

He didn’t go underwater then, but normally he does! My little wave-crasher is now a small pool fish too. Thea stands in the pool and flings water at everyone else, when we can get her in it!

Someone asked, “wow, how can they have so much fun out of one little pool?”

Because they enjoy time, have vivid imaginations, and enjoy each other’s company… and we try to cultivate an atmosphere of gratefulness. Always trying to find the good and enjoy it. Life is so much more fun when you enjoy it!

Thanks for reading!

Type at your later,

~Nancy Tart

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