
February 7, 2020


My Daddy always said the internet was just another tool. I’ve chosen to look at all social media platforms in the same way. They are just tools. Use them but don’t allow them to steal time and energy from you.

One of my favorite things about Facebook is the “Memories” that pop up occasionally.

Like this one:

I laugh! I love our crazy, nerdy, quirky family! I want to watch the whole Lord of the Rings trilogy again – this will be a first for Jillian and Lucas. Sunday afternoon plans just made… epic Lord of the Rings Marathon likely while we play boggle, mancala, Catan, or labyrinth at the table.

What are you going to do with your family this weekend? At least find one thing that you can all do together to build a family memory… even if it’s swatting flies and randomly spitting out movie lines.

Type at you later!

~Nancy Tart

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