To the Next Book!

April 20, 2018

To the Next Book!

Today Jillian was bouncing exuberantly about the kitchen.  “I’m graduating!”

(She just finished her previous workbooks and gets her “next books.”)

Along with her third math (second was conquered a few weeks ago) and third language arts (second set conquered today), she enters the world of “One Grammar Book” instead of two which means the addition of a Level One history or science workbook.  These early workbooks are triple purpose; to learn the basics of a subject, to practice writing, grammar, spelling, and penmanship, and to be short enough to move through within a few weeks.   (For my purposes; Level One = includes simple sentence writing, Level Two = up to paragraph writing, and Level Three = reports, essays, and paragraphs.)

Since Jillian is working in the elementary (early writer) level, she gets to choose between anything in Level One.  (I love to let them choose their passion in learning – so although I have a core curriculum, workbooks and electives are used to give them a sense of control on their learning!)  I use one “extra” at a time for elementary.

Jillian squealed looking over the geography, history, and science workbooks – and chose the “US Presidents” because “That’s what Christina’s and Rebeccah’s college is doing!”

This workbook will take 25 lessons and covers some elementary facts about our US Presidents.  When she’s done with this one, she’ll move to another, and another, and another – beginning to learn that her gift of reading is what will advance her mind through her life.

In her direction.

Choosing her path.

Following her passion.

Even though right now it’s a “silly little book” with basic facts, it’s Jillian’s first “choice workbook,” (aka elective for us older learners) and for her, this important next step is enough to make her super excited!

Thanks for reading!

Type at you next time…

~Nancy Tart


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