Time To Do Their Hair

Time to Do Their Hair

February 9, 2020

With my crazy biology, a little cold turns into a huge respiratory thing and what should last like 2 or 3 days turns into lingering cough and weakness for 2 to 4 weeks. I’m not impressed with my odd biology. And I used to never get sick.

The drain of energy means I get up, go to work, come home, and go to bed with very little in between. Like absolutely zero in between. If I try to watch a movie on the couch with them before bed, I fall asleep before the movie is done.

One of my favorite things to do with my girls is to braid their hair into updos. I can generally do whatever they want. Bobby pins and strategic pulls of hair from here and there forms a beautiful church hairstyle. I honestly can’t wait for one (or more) of them to get to gymnastics competition so I can have the privilege of doing their competition hair!

On this day, Jaquline and Jillian wanted special braids and were up early on Sunday with plenty of time to accomplish said task. So…

Just some little something I never take for granted. I love doing their hair. The first person I enjoyed “doing hair” for who taught me to appreciate being able to do such a “simple” thing was a younger friend when I was 13. She was 7/8 when I was 13/14. She was the first young person I met with cancer. Erica was such a beautiful soul. She had only a little hair when we met her, it was just growing back from the last chemo round and she always giggled when Katy or Becca put headbands on her head to highlight it. They would braid her flower tiaras with gorgeous Georgia wildflowers and Erica would giggle and walk around on our shoes to show off her “new hair” and she wanted us to “do” her sister’s hair too. Danielle was her twin. They loved each other and taught me so much about love and life. One of the biggest lessons for me was not to brush off the “mundane” small things… like doing hair.

In the time we knew her, her hair would disappear at least twice before she passed to heaven. Her beautiful soul left such an impact on my life.

I enjoy every day with my girls. I know that one day they will grow up and, like my little sisters, will no longer come with an elastic hair tie begging for a “fancy braid in my hair please!”

Try to savor the small things in life as you are blessed with them. You will too quickly discover those are the important bits in life.

Type at you soon,

~Nancy Tart

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