Rejoice 2020 – Becky

November 18, 2020

Rejoice 2020 – Becky

Towards the end of the year, I always begin to reflect on the changes that have occurred in the year. Overall, they end up being positive – and those are my highlights. As it is close to Thanksgiving, I thought I’d brag a bit as I ponder on the changes I’ve seen in Becky this year.

Becky started 2020 discovering that she enjoyed the sport of gymnastics! I loved that because since I work at WGV Gymnastics, we get to drive together and she is the default DJ in our car because she picks up on the moods and knows how to use music to make everyone dance. I love spending extra time with my children!

She overcame a lot of obstacles that this unusual (if I hear the other word again – and you know which one – I will shriek!) year has thrown at her. Like our family has done, she pulled herself up, found either another way or something else, and managed to rise out with a smile!

Smile! Oh yes, one of Becky’s highlights of the year were her braces! She finally overcame a bad habit that kept her from getting braces (power of determination) and can now accurately be called “metal-mouth” until near the end of next year. She’s doing a great job of keeping them maintained and cleaned. She has been dreaming of braces and straight, beautiful teeth forever… but then, she still wants to major in orthodontics or some branch of dentistry.

Becky also managed to embark on two new ventures right as she turned fifteen:

First, she started a job. I never would have guessed that between “afternoon two shifts” and “morning three shifts” she would take “Preschool Program Coach” in the mornings. Becky is totally my night owl, so this did surprise me. She does this well.

Second – watch out world – she got her learner’s permit for driving.

And a phone. She pays for her own phone now.

I’m totally amazed and very proud of my little lady (okay, tall young lady who has been taller than me for a while) and her accomplishments this year. Becky has been working on herself. She is learning to understand herself and others around her. I see more empathy from her.

I pray for her daily as she begins to try her young adult wings in the world of “adulting” – as my teenagers call working, classes, activities, volunteering, and paying bills.

She dreams of building an aviary for her little feathered loves (parakeets now) that will allow her to add finches, lovebirds, and even more avian pets. I see that being accomplished soon because she is smashing through everything and accomplishing what she wants. Her determination is a very strong thing. Her ability to work through challenges and keep her word makes me proud. I know God has wonderful plans for her now and in her future.

Thank you, Jesus, for allowing me to have your beautiful daughter to raise! She is learning to lean on You and trust You in everything. She is loved so much by her family and even more by You – I pray You protect her, guard her heart, build her self-esteem, show her Your love and bring those You want guiding her into her life.

I hope this total Mom-blog piece today encourages you to find the positives and look at the accomplishments of your little blessings through this tough year. What did you see that made you smile? What challenge did your child find a creative solution too? Rejoice in the positives!

Thank you for reading!

~Nancy Tart

Surprise Mom, I Give you…

Surprise Mom, I give you…

April 14, 2020

Ever been surprised by something in your food?

What if you are enjoying your morning oatmeal in your office and something crunches? Take it out and you freak!

My tooth came out? What tooth?

Your tongue feels around at the two teeth that have been bothering you lately… nope. Closer examination you are like wait a minute… this isn’t my tooth!

*DUN DUN DUN* Oh my? This isn’t my tooth! How many germs did I just eat? I boiled the water… maybe it’s safe?



Lucas just had a destroyed molar pulled and sold it to Becky because she pays more than the tooth fairy to put teeth in her collection… and the collection was “lost” because Lucas dumped it somewhere…

The oatmeal bin is on the buffet – the tooth collection was on the piano… the piano sits next to the buffet… Lucas hid the tooth collection in the oatmeal bin!


Yes, I’ve been eating oats permeated with old baby teeth.

What a surprise!

Well… that stuff sometimes happens. Now I can freak my coworker out with this part of a tooth – hehehe…

Type at you later!

~Nancy Tart

Welcome Sweet Potato

June 8, 2018

Welcome, Sweet Potato

The girls started a new project: guinea pigs.  Christina saved and bought a female from the pet store.  Rebeccah and Kimberly “rehomed” two females whose family was going overseas.


We built a big cage for them to graze and roam in.  (Guinea pigs hop like bunnies when they are really happy!) Well, “Ginger” was really “TobyMac.” Since all three of these animals were happily living in one cage together – Taylor surprised us with “Sweet Potato.”


(Now, the girls know for sure how to sex guinea pigs from birth so they won’t be fooled by a salewoman again.)

Now their guinea pig project has become hand raising babies to sell.  They are gorgeous!  Baby guinea pigs are born with open eyes, full fur, claws, and teeth!  They are about 20% of the adult’s size but 10% of the weight (they are skinny, long things).


Sweet Potato stretches to look half her mom’s size, but when she curls up in a cute little ball, she’s so tiny – about the size of a ping-pong ball.  By weight, she’s only 10% of mom’s size.  Baby guinea pigs grow super fast.  Between three and six weeks, they are independent.  They actually start trying to graze the first day!  About 3 months, they are adult size!  Males get bigger than females.  However, TobyMac is only 4 months old so he is still smaller than the over 1 year old girls, Taylor and Avery.

The girls are super excited to “spoil” Sweet Potato for a few weeks so another family gets a loving, cuddly, super sweet little pet!

Thanks for reading!

Type at you next time…

~Nancy Tart



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