This Day – April 28, 2024

April 28, 2024

This Day

It’s been a whirlwind a week. Mountains, valleys, bridges, resets, tears, joy, excitement… all together and jumbled up and sometimes at the same time in my heart.

This day was one of reflection.

Thankfulness, answered prayers, closing doors, broken dreams, memories, amazing celebrated accomplishments…

My Daddy was born on this day in 1949. This is his 6th birthday in heaven.  I thanked Jesus for the wisdom that he spoke into me that I had to draw on this week.  I’ve been pausing my words and drawing on that wisdom for advising my adult children this week. I know there’s no tears in heaven, it says the saints pray over what they see when they look on the earth… in my mind, I hoped my Daddy was looking and praying for us this week. 

On Monday Thea’s newest schoolbooks showed up and my newest “textbook learner” excitedly dove into her new school adventure.  Lucas did the 5th and 6th grade math competency test on the computer.  My rejoicing was so high in these (the read it button doesn’t work in the test so you have to read to get a passing score). He raced for the 7th and I warned him he may need to learn some new words first – his desire to learn how to sound out math words exploded.  This was a joy moment.  

Tuesday, Thea got the stomach bug, but I thought it was “dirty fingers.”  She stayed home due to caution and Wednesday announced “no throw up all day” (there had been only for about 6 hours 3 times on Tuesday before noon, with no fever, so I was sure it was nothing) – joke on me.  

I picked Louis up from work & he was on bedrest for his back – who are we kidding?  Pain was forcing him to stay in either his chair or bed, but who likes to really be still, even if we know it’s for our future good health?

I kept getting texts about how much money each out-of-work day costs us – yes, I’ll have to pull from savings… My long-term brain is already rejoicing in September when we aren’t under an “insurmountable” monthly rent.  (It feels so insurmountable because it takes more than one person’s full month of income.)  My stress level was rising so fast and I kept trying to slow it down. This was a low day when I had to purposefully choose joy.

Wednesday, Lucas stayed home and was being a typical brother (aka “bother”) by breathing his “gross yucky-smelling burps” into his big sister’s faces.  I wouldn’t find out about this until later, but he has a crazy immune system so his “runny nose” I noticed Wednesday evening was his catching and passing of Thea’s bug.  He drinks and eats after everyone, and is usually how everyone ends up sick without him ever seeming sick…

Also Wednesday, Kimberly had her exam and since Christina wasn’t working, I got dropped off at work with just Laud.  Christina showed up needing adult advise and a sounding board.  I didn’t start working until 930 – thankfully, I am able to excuse myself for rare emergencies.  I was so thankful she felt safe enough to come to me.  So very sad with empathy for her pain.

Then Louis & I were sick Thursday night.  Mine was way faster, thankfully.  All of the other girls ended up with it starting Christina in the wee hours of Friday morning and ending with Kimberly about 2pm.  Thankfully, it skipped over Laud.  Sadness & happiness.

My little sister is showing off her amazing culinary craft this afternoon with Anastasia helping!  Super joy! Chef Rebeccah Pradenas – yes, I’m so very proud of my little sister and her awesome achievements – my Daddy is so proud too… but he expected it.  

Today, in church, everyone is returned to healthy status.  Louis, Kimberly, Jaquline, Jillian, and Lucas did first service, Christina & I served.  Christina is babysitting now.  I’m listening and writing in my journal to Jaquline.  Kimberly and Jaquline are serving.  Thea is in church service with me. She’s snuggling like she’s 2 & I’m totally okay with that.  I am so overwhelmed with the prayers, words, people that God put together to keep Christina grounded and the great friends and mentors she has around her.  I’m missing my Daddy.  I see his wisdom in various places in our lives.  I am so thankful for my amazing Daddy.  I’m so thankful my children have a loving praying father.  I’m praying for healing of the broken hearts of the young people I’ve watched grow up.  I’ve just spent an hour encouraging and praying for those few God has me helping with now.  The responsibility of life is just leaving me happy and amazed at God’s provision and tearful at the rifts I see and those I love whom I did not see today.  

Grateful joy.  Sorrowful tears.  Elated highs.  Deeper lows than I’ve ever faced.  Sympathetic pain that I can’t fathom.  Prayers like an unending stock ticker; it feels like it’s been all week.  I feel my heart in so many places and so many emotions all settling today.  Emotions all over the place from super high excitement and pride in my sister to super lows in sympathetic pain for those whose hearts are shattered. All at the same time. At times this week I was sharing my sister’s excitement and daughter’s sadness during the same times through texts.

Today, on this day and hopefully each day, I choose joy.  Jesus is my joy.  Jesus is my peace.  This was a tough parenting week; and through it all, I know only one solid thing that never fails.  Jesus never changes.  Thank you, Jesus, for never changing!  Thank you for salvation!  Thank you for heaven!  Thank you for love!  Thank you for forgiveness!

Thank you for reading!

Type at you next time!

~Nancy Tart

Proper Burial

When you can’t fix it, it needs a “proper burial” – for electronics… but maybe for more than that.

November 8, 2018

Proper Burial

Rebeccah likes to tinker with stuff.  She always has.  Most of the time, she can fix electronics when we think they are broken.

If it is headed for the trash, she always gives it at least one try (and she likes seeing the “guts” of the item too).

Today it was the playstation 2 unit (for the 5th time).  We bought it used in the first place and it had a short from day one.  Rebeccah has fiddled with it four times successfully, but this morning, all of her efforts led to naught.  She had it completely apart.  Every breadboard, wire, connection, screw, etc. was separated in her ordered little piles.  (Conclusion was “I have no clue what’s wrong with this thing!”)

So I’m trying to work on “Fibbing Fishermen” (#5, it will be out soon) in the Devonians series when I hear Kimberly show up:

Kimberly: “Becky, what are you doing?”

Rebeccah: “Putting it back together.”

Kimberly: “I thought it was really garbage this time?”

Rebeccah: “Yes, but when something dies, we should at least bury it in a proper casket.”

Seriously?  For me, this was just apropos timing.  We’ve closed a business, I’ve started a totally unexpected but awesome job, life is shifting into a strange limbo for us right now, and every time we turn around it appears something else is stealing something of value from us.

Bury it.  Wrap it and every part of it back in the casket and hide it from sight.  That so made me laugh.

Perhaps that’s what God wants us to do with these remaining bits of the past; bury them completely.  Hide them away so we are fully open to what God has planned next!

For me, right now, it’s pretty awesome: my job is teaching children (I love this!) and I get to expose each of y’all to something I’ve always wanted to do (gymnastics) as a perk!  Granted, we can’t live on this income alone; but it is something I can do very well.  I’ve felt a peace about our life right now despite the fact that our insurance is due in 8 days and we are $1350 short, I can’t focus on that.  All I can do it do my best and let God take care of the rest.

God will provide a way.

***NOTE*** You know what’s really funny?  After Rebeccah put that Playstation 2 console back together for its “proper burial,” it now works.  No short, no sticking CD tray, no dying.  She and Lucas have been playing football for almost an hour now and no issues.  Even though she couldn’t find the problem, just resetting everything back the way it was supposed to be fixed the problem. (It is almost time to go to work so, I’ll think about that more later!)

Thanks for reading!

Type at you later…

~Nancy Tart

Birthday Dolls

A childhood collection becomes a family tradition.

October 20, 2018

Birthday Dolls

Do you have something unique that you do and sometimes you laugh at yourself and think, “this is so silly!” but your family wouldn’t stop it because it means something to them?

For us, one of these “silly family traditions” that I accidently created is the Birthday Dolls.

We have a display of “Growing Up Girls” birthday dolls that represent each of the children’s ages.

Currently it looks like this:


Christina (15), Rebeccah (13), Kimberly (11), Jaquline (8), Jillian (6), Lucas (3), and Anastasia (5).

It started with my collection of age-dolls from when an aunt and cousin bought the first three each of my first three birthdays.  I loved them and once I was old enough to make money babysitting and mowing grass, I started collecting the rest of the blonde ones.

Fast forward to when I have two young girls and we didn’t have much display space so Louis suggested I just leave a few out.  I left Christina and Rebeccah’s ages.  When Kimberly was born, we added the baby one.  This became a tradition from then on.

Through twenty-odd years many have broken (by little siblings and my children! Super glue is a porcelain doll’s best friend) a few shattered irreparably, and since my girls are mostly brunettes, any replacements we tried to find with brunette hair.  When Anastasia was about 2, she wanted to add her “age” to the dolls – so we added her age doll.  Lucas came along and I discovered the same company made “Growing Up Boys” age dolls so we started collecting those as well!

I always check resale and thrift shops for any ones I don’t have (right now, boys from 7 up).

Just a cute little story about how a collection became a family tradition. (Yes, they have already planned that I’ll have to buy more of those to display my grandchildren’s ages someday.)

Thanks for reading!

Type at you next time…

~Nancy Tart

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