Upcoming Show!

Come join us for some craft show fun! Sunday, October 14, 2018 between 1pm & 4pm

September 30, 2018

Upcoming Show!

The girls are ecstatic about October 14th.

It isn’t someone’s birthday (although it’s two days after Becky turns thirteen!).

It isn’t an anniversary.

It’s the day of the Shores Fall Craft Fair at the Shores Clubhouse in Saint Augustine!  For the girls, this is a chance to meet people, show off their wares (they like to make various crafts), talk about illustrating Mommy’s books, and enjoy looking at all the amazing crafts for sale.  (Usually, they pick up Christmas gifts here, too.)  One of Rebeccah’s favorite crafts (she gave a bunch out as Christmas gifts one year) is her glittery ornaments.


Just after church, we’ll drive to the clubhouse to set up, and enjoy the day!  The show starts at 1pm and runs until 4pm.  (My mom will be there too, as she’ll be there presenting some of the most amazing photo artwork I’ve ever seen – she takes photos and my Daddy paints on them to turn them into realistic, fantastic creations.)

Of course, my only real craft is writing.  I am very proud of my artsy offspring but it’s hard to duplicate what they do!  I will have my printed books for sale.


And the Audio CDs and the girls’ favorite DVDBook, “Long Tail and Red Hawk,” which although it was the second in the “Long Tail” books, it is the first one my Dad created an educational DVD for!  (The girls love it because their Grandmother is narrating it and the comic-book-style artwork is theirs!)


But most of the table will be covered in beaded jewelry like these because even Jillian has crafted some of those pieces.

Or, to see a giant room full of beautiful and unique crafts, join us from 1pm to 4pm on Sunday, October 14th at the Riverview Club in Saint Augustine Shores – we’ll be at one of the round tables!


Thanks for reading!

Type at you next time…

~Nancy Tart

Oceans of Praise

One night of de-stressing by taking the kids to experience the beauty of the moonlit beach!

September 26, 2018

Oceans of Praise

It was a long, tired, stressful day.  It was the kind of day when as I’m driving home, the “Mandisa Fun” Pandora station (Christian Rock with catchy tunes and uplifting lyrics) was blaring out the speakers, windows down, and I’m trying to drum the day out of my head.

It was also nearing the full moon.  There were very few clouds, a refreshing warm-cool wind (I knew this would be “blustery” at the beach), and it was 86 degrees at almost 7:30pm.

I decided we’d go to the beach.

I got home to find Eddie and Louis watching football – only into the first quarter.  They do so little father-and-son stuff because Louis is always busy that I announced, “I’m headed to the beach,” knowing that would be cool for them to have father-and-son time.

“You’re taking the kids to go shark fishing?” Louis laughed.  “It’ll be dark by the time you get there.”

“No, we’re going to walk along the shore and play in the shallows,” I smiled, “don’t worry, they’ll all be back in one piece.  There’s a beautiful moon out and it looks amazing.”

Lucas almost stayed to watch football, but then realized all of the girls, including Anastasia, were going with Mommy, and this meant Mommy would be gone a long time.

We showed up to see this:


And this:


And that:


God had an amazing light show for us!  It was so bright they could see to build a tribal village with walls, huts, and fields.


Rebeccah took most of the pictures and her selfie:


She tried to get pictures of us, but really we look like black blobs amid the darkness.


This one was a little better:


We raced up and down the shoreline.  The water and wind was warm, so Anastasia lay down in the surf to get covered in water.  Jillian, Jaquline, Kimberly, and Lucas followed her.  Each was completely soaked in the first fifteen minutes.  I think it took Rebeccah a half-hour before she let her hair get wet.  Our long walk ended up being over two and a half miles!  (1.3 miles one way, 1.3 miles back.)  We sang praise songs because the majesty of the night looked like it was praising God.


We had to leave when Becca texted saying she was almost done with work.  Anastasia was giddy at the prospect of “beating Mommy home” so we trouped back to the van, cleaned up at Aunt Becca’s, and spent a few minutes after Becca got home chatting before my crew made our way home.  (Sister time for us Mommies!)

Thank you, Jesus, for a wonderful, exhilarating night.

And yes, my devious plan worked… all of them got back on their good sleep schedule.

Thanks for reading!

Type at you next time…

~Nancy Tart



Baby Guinea Pig Names

Rebeccah’s creative naming scheme for the cute little Guinea Pig triplets!

September 22, 2018

Baby Guinea Pig Names!

Today we get to introduce our baby Guinea Pigs by name!

Rebeccah decided to use dessert names this time.  Since we won’t have them forever, she gives them “temporary” names that match their color or personalities.  We’re raising them to sell once they are at least six weeks old.  (They will be six weeks old and ready for their forever homes after October 20th.)

So this beauty is “Rocky Road.”  She is the one who looked like a squirrel at birth.  She is a gorgeous mottled brown color.


This solid tan one is “Custard,” and she follows the dad, TobyMac, all over the run!  She is super cuddly.


The third one is currently called “Cheesecake.”  He is the only male in the triplets.  He’s a half-and-half mix of Custard and Rocky Road as far as color goes.  He is Jillian’s new baby!


The girls love being the Guinea Pigs’ caretakers.  They spend a lot of time cuddling and loving on them to make sure they will be just as cuddly and friendly as their parents.  So far, they are thirteen days old and super friendly.

Here is Daddy (TobyMac, big tan blob), and all three triplets!


Mama (Taylor, big tan/brown/white) takes good care of them!

Near the end of October, we’ll be saying “goodbye” to Rocky Road and Custard as they find loving homes.  One thing I know, these cuddly, snuggly critters will forever leave their tiny pawprints on all of our hearts!

Thanks for reading!

Type at you later…

~Nancy Tart

New Venture

Why is a crazy never-used-makeup 35 year old starting to present it?

September 18, 2018

New Venture

Okay, so if you’ve been following this blog (or *gasp* actually know me), you know that my one experiment with makeup was as an overactive girl in the sweltering mid-Georgia summer.  My attempt at rather cheap (I thought it was expensive then, but now know better) mascara, foundation, and blush rolled down my face and irritated my eyes as it literally was melted by the sun and sweat.

I did manage to wear lipstick a few times, like for my wedding, my sisters’ weddings, and my brother’s wedding.  (Honestly, every time I bought a lipstick tube, it ended up being used by some child as a crayon.)

That was it.

Now, I have three daughters dabbling in makeup.  Rebeccah loves it.  I’ve researched everything I can and a few years ago found a couple of brands of makeup I liked and would buy for them.  A few months ago, Kimberly and Rebeccah discovered my cousin Tiffany’s Facebook page loaded with tutorials, beautiful images, and the makeup line she sells.  This past month, we discovered the lady who used to sell the face cleanser we’ve all used for over a decade doesn’t sell it anymore!  No one I know does.  If I’m going to buy a product that isn’t sold in stores, I’m going to buy it from someone I know.

Louis has been trying to talk me into makeup for years, and recently, God has opened my eyes that if I’m serious about wanting to please my husband, why am I so against getting “made-up” once a week when we have adult time?  Really?  I realized how petty I was seriously being.  Yes, others who “put their face on” daily spend a lot of money on makeup, but I would be using it on the nights we go walking together.  Three or four times a month.  That was not going to break the bank.

So, I looked into being a makeup rep.  As I’m browsing, I realize I’m crazy.  Then I counter that with – I have five daughters, I’m sure I’ll be buying makeup for them too.  I’m a BeachBody coach because I LOVE SHAKEOLOGY!  I love the only whole food vitamin shake that I  I don’t have a huge business through them, but one day I might when I can put more time into it.  If I find a makeup line whose business practices and products I like, why shouldn’t I present it to others and perhaps make a little money?  It is wise to invest money in products and businesses you love because you would recommend them anyway.

Now, like my beautiful cousin, I’m “presenting” for Younique – at least, as soon as I get my makeup!  The starter packet came with items I was going to purchase anyway along with many others to try.  I’ll be updating as I travel on this strange journey of learning the art of makeup at 35.

Thanks for reading!

Type at you next time…

~Nancy Tart


Field Trip

What to do when your big sister’s college class has an amazing field trip? Double it as a homeschool nature exploration day!

September 12, 2018

Field Trip

Rebeccah’s first official school field trip happened recently.  She got to go to the Guana River Dam with her Marine Biology class.  She often jokes that she was inspired by Finding Nemo to be an orthodontic surgeon with a hobby in Marine Biology.  For her Biology Major degree, she will need many sciences with labs, so this semester it was Marine Biology plus Lab.  She loves animals and has a special love for aquatic creatures so Marine Biology is a double love.


We drove her up to the state park and since we were there, just walked around and explored the estuary.  (The younger children got a field trip at the same time!) Kimberly took pictures because I had to keep both eyes and one hand on Lucas at all times.


We saw armies of crabs.


We found a tiny oyster.


We took a walk around the preserve.  One of the brush-covered walkways hid dozens of golden orb spiders.  Jaquline quoted, “if you look up, they’ll drop on you.”  To which Jillian instantly laughed, “I’m looking down, Pooh!”


A lovely bird allowed Kimberly to get pretty close.


The view was gorgeous and we watched many fish!


Another lovely view.


Although we tried to stay out of the “way” of the class, we got cornered watching the armies of crabs.  Kimberly snapped this picture to “prove” Rebeccah was at the estuary too.  She hadn’t taken her shoes off yet, but when she loaded up in the van after the trip, she was covered mid-torso with water!


The Marine Biology class left some tiny minnows floundering and the girls made it their mission to find all of them and flick them back into the water so they could live.  Most darted away.  This one kept darting back to the edge as if saying “thank you!”


Jaquline showing off some shells.


Kimberly’s selfie.

Kimberly also got some video of our excursion. (Above, a crab & conch; below, the crab army)

It was a lovely day for a field trip.  Thank you, Jesus, for the opportunity to be able to enjoy such natural wonders with my children!

Thanks for reading!

Type at you next time…

~Nancy Tart



Additions to the Squad

Welcoming our newest little farm members: the Guinea Pig Triplets!

September 10, 2018

Additions to the Squad

If you’ve read my blogs, you know my oldest three girls saved and bought Guinea Pigs.  Each thought she was getting a female, but since Ginger was discovered to be TobyMac, this amazing trio of little animals became a part of our farm.  They appear to have new little ones every six months or so.  They are now called “the squad.”


Toby and Taylor’s first little angel, whom we called “Sweet Potato,” found a home with some lovely ladies and an animal-loving girl.  (Picture is TobyMac & Sweet Potato)

Sunday, we came home to discover that Taylor had done it again!  She had birthed triplets!


One is a mottled gray-brown color.  This one looks just like a squirrel (she’s not, I promise, we watched Taylor birth her!)


One is multicolor (black, brown, orange, and white), this was the youngest.  Jaquline is holding this one.


One is pure tan just like TobyMac.

These beautiful babies haven’t been named just yet as they are brand new and smaller than Sweet Potato was at birth.  (Guinea Pigs usually have twins, but their offspring are larger if single and smaller if triplets.)  These tiny babies were about 1/10th of mama’s size.  Taylor is a very good mama, and has burrows in the nest for all three of them to hide and snuggle.  Baby Guinea Pigs are super curious as soon as all their adult Guinea Pig elders lick and groom them clean.  (Even Avery, our second adult female, was helping Toby and Taylor groom these three adorable fluffy balls!)


Now we get the joy and privilege of raising these little animals.  Three little Guinea Pigs.  Kimberly (Avery’s official owner) plans on saving some money to make another Guinea Pig run and if one of these littles are a male, she’ll keep him for Avery to pair up with.  Of course, Jillian has claimed ownership and caretaking of the next one they keep.   Kimberly and Jillian are now mapping out money-saving goals to have $80 for materials in six weeks.  I see lots of lawn-mowing and car-cleaning in their near future.

Thanks for reading!

Type at you next time…

~Nancy Tart



Organization for Clothing

How eight months of one system taught the girls how to keep a neater barracks!

September 6, 2018

Organization for Clothing

I like things organized.

I also can’t stand washing tons of clothing.

One day I’d finally finished with 7 loads of clothing and walked back to the barracks (girls’ bedroom) to check on something… and walked onto a four-inch-thick carpet of folded clothing just dropped on the floor!  (Rebeccah’s and Christina’s bed were quilted with their clothing!)

Instantly, I was like, “come put your clothes in your drawers!”

Five voices replied with, “There’s no room.”

Lightbulb!  They have too many clothes.

We had just moved from a house where clothing storage wasn’t an issue.  We had two large closets, plenty of hanging space, and a full dresser for each girl.  Now the barracks had two dressers where three had three drawers on the smaller one and two had two on the larger one.  They had enough space for their play clothes in the drawers while the small closet had enough space for everyone’s hanging nice clothes.


At least, it originally had enough room.

But we love hand-me-downs.  And my kids sometimes don’t want to admit they have grown out of something so it sits in their drawers.

Lightbulb!  I can do this and teach them organizational skills!

I already intercepted and tossed torn or otherwise destroyed clothes on their way to the washer (this led Christina to doing her own laundry because she LOVED certain clothes and keeps nighttime outfits until they literally fall apart), if anything no longer met the clothing modesty guidelines, it was altered, donated, or handed to the next in line, and shoes had to fit in the shoe compartments (everyone has two cubicles) – notice the flip-flops are community property.



Rebeccah loves shoes, so do you see that polka-dotted sheet on one corner of her bed?  That hides a small cardboard box in which she keeps her special shoes! (It’s out of reach of the dress-up crowd & saved so the polish doesn’t get scuffed.)

We started doing what I already do to my clothes every month.  Purging.

For the next eight months, we used this system.  I have a list of “necessaries,” otherwise known as clothes they should have.  We would start on a day when all the laundry was complete.  Starting with the oldest, she’d bring in her clothes and go through them to make sure she still fit and wanted them, retiring destroyed stuff to the garbage, putting aside items she had outgrown, and packing away stuff she didn’t want anymore.  She’d pick out the necessaries, put them away, and fill the space with whatever else she wanted.  Anything extra went in the donate pile.

The next in line would repeat, with the option of augmenting her supply with otherwise “donated” items from previous big sister.

Necessities: Five bottoms (two must be jeans), five tops, one church outfit, one long sleeve “jacket,” seven pairs of underwear and socks, two nighttime outfits, one pair of sneakers, and one pair of church shoes.

All the above fit into one of the drawers and on two hangers easily, so there was plenty of leftover space for other clothes.

This system gave them inspiration to roll or fold their clothing in order to keep everything fitting well.   Lucas has only one drawer and he keeps everything neat!

This system lasted only eight months because by that time, all of them were purging their own stashes as needed.  We didn’t have to make it a monthly event anymore.  Even Lucas will put a shirt on and if it’s too tight, he will pull it off, say “time for someone else to wear you,” and lay it on my bed.  (His drawer is in my bedroom.)

Kimberly and Rebeccah love having lots of choices, so they utilize more of the hanging space than Jaquline and Jillian.  Christina’s hanging space is loaded with CAP uniforms, and a couple of dresses from her aunts which she claims “I’ll never wear, but I keep just in case.”


Our system has only backfired once so far: when Christina was planning for encampment, she was required to have 12 undecorated t-shirts in two specific colors plus 6 “workout shirts” (additional plain t-shirts!).  We had to search every thrift and resale shop in Saint Augustine for enough tan, black, and white t-shirts!  When she got back there was the issue of keeping them stored – Christina didn’t want to hang them all or give them away since she planned on going to future encampments so she just rolled them in her luggage bag and hung it in the closet!  It took less space than 18 hangers.

Going backward: I was about 14, stood in front of my mobile closet (clothes rack), and spent almost fifteen minutes deciding what to wear!  That started me on the lifestyle of keeping necessities, only a few other items with specific purposes that fit into whatever clothes storage system I had, and routinely donating what I couldn’t fit or didn’t want.  Call it purging or minimalist, or whatever, it helps me spend less time thinking about clothing… and hopefully, I’ve passed that practicality on in some way.

Thanks for reading!

Type at you next time…

~Nancy Tart





A radio talk show guy’s comment made me ponder my absolute love of hand-me-downs and thrift shops.

September 4, 2018


Driving to pick up a long-distance call, I was listening to Christian talk radio.  A guy comes on talking about how he and his family love hand-me-downs.

I can totally relate!  All my life I’ve loved, and lived in, hand-me-downs.  When my kids get a bag of clothes, they all get excited.  It’s sorting, trying on, modeling, and deciding how to “fix” something they love to make it fit (sewing skills).  Anything we can’t use (and everything we grow out of or don’t have room for) gets passed on.   We only allow them to keep what they can fit “in their drawers” and on their bit of hanging rack space.   Rebeccah, who loves shoes, has created some interesting storage adaptations to stretch her allotted space to keep extra shoes.

Kids grow so fast!  At one stage, Kimberly jumped through one full shoe size every month for about six months!  During this same time, Jaquline sprouted through three shirt sizes and Rebeccah’s legs stretched by nearly a foot!

We had quite a few bags of shoes and clothes to give away!  Most, we had received as hand-me-downs but they looked practically new!  Lots of happy kids got to pass around clothes in this growth spurt.  The girls like to plan who can get their clothes – if anyone we know needs them, if anyone is their size and is okay with used clothing, or if they know a friend who “loved” some outfit.  Otherwise, we donate to Alpha-Omega or Betty Griffin Thrift.

The radio talk show guy was mentioning that he was super excited one day because a friend gave him some amazing hand-me-downs that were almost new and stylish.  He was showing one off at work and realized he was wearing the emblem for a college he didn’t attend!  So he almost felt embarrassed telling a coworker it was a hand-me-down.  Then, he stopped.  He said we are to be good stewards and trading clothing around if it still has wear in it is being a good steward of the materials (less waste) and finances (less purchases made).   He told his coworker that the money he and his family saved on clothing allowed them to give more financially to charities they supported.

I had never thought of our hand-me-downs as “good stewardship” in that way!  I have always told others that it saves waste (why throw something away when someone else can use it?) and it stretches our budget.  I never actually thought of what I do with the money I save.

We do give a lot of what we make, sometimes we end up giving more in time than in money, but we still help in a lot of places monetarily.

When we do buy clothes, it’s usually underwear (I do buy that new from target on “clearance,” it seems some character is always going out of style), sneakers, or jeans.  We go to the thrift shops on the day when said clothing is x% off or wait for an end-of-season sale (thrift shops do that too).  So, annually, we spend about $300 on all 8 of us.

I never really thought about how much money I’d spend without hand-me-downs.  Using thrift shop prices (I still wouldn’t buy new): I figured that for each growing child, I’d spend about $80 twice a year, and for each adult, I’d spend about $40 a year (what we already buy from thrift stores can’t be counted as savings).  So for our family, that would be about (160×6)+(40×2)=$1,040 annually in addition to the $300 we already spend!

$1,040 is almost a rent payment.

That’s about three weeks’ of work.

Then I realized that I never buy anything new – furniture, animal cages, books, movies, games, toys, yarns, craft stuff… the list is endless.  Except for food, most cell phones, a few tools, the coffee maker, most mattresses, and one computer, we’ve taken hand-me-downs or bought resale items when it comes to everything else.  And we donate what we no longer need.  Oh yeah, and the drum set was new – Louis got a full size eight piece drum set on a clearance sale for $120 about 10 years ago.

We save for items we want (like our couch).  We had a hand-me-down one that served great for a while, but Louis wanted a big one that all of us could sit on at once and it would double as a kid bed when guests came.  We ended up saving and finally bought a really nice used sectional that had two backless sections that doubled as storage (bonus & I love dual-purpose!) and seats six adults without using the backless parts – it was on clearance at Alpha-Omega Thrift so we spent only $165 of the $200 we’d saved for it.  (Yes, Louis was shopping, so we ended up buying $35 of future birthday gifts while we were there.) And one of my sisters said “let me crash here, this is comfy!”

The radio guy quoted the scripture about “where your treasure is, there your heart is also.”

Yes, my treasures are in my children, my family, my friends, the really important things in life.  Our hand-me-down and thrift-store lifestyle helps me to understand that even though we have some cool stuff, it’s just temporary and I’m not really concerned with it.  I mentally note that I’m wearing sandals from one sister, a skirt Christina grew out of that was a hand-me-down from a friend, and a shirt from another sister… all hand-me-downs!

I’m sure the radio guy is right.  Our family is able to do as much giving as we do because we don’t spend “full retail” on temporary items.  Our treasure is in heaven.  Our treasure is the character growing in our six awesome blessings on loan from God…

Thanks for reading!

Type at you next time…

~Nancy Tart


School Supplies

School supplies on a budget – our methods

August 31, 2018

School Shopping

Lots of people do school shopping in late July or August, just before school starts.

Since we do school year-round, I’m constantly replacing school supplies by stopping in at my favorite thrift shops and scooping up extra pencils, notebooks, erasers, or expo markers (the most commonly used items in our school).

I do try to take advantage of the school sales that pop up at the end of school supply shopping months.

Take notebooks: one independent writer in our home goes through an average of five single-subject notebooks a year!  (That’s not a lot when you consider that each notebook usually has 70 pages.)  Our history, science, and most upper math courses require a paragraph or page of written work.  Grammar practice is to edit said paragraphs or pages and rewrite them correctly.  So we use a lot of paper.  I prefer to use notebooks because they keep all the papers together and they are easier to carry than loose leaf paper (we often do work in remote locations).  This year I have four independent writers and one still using training paper (the ones from tablets with three-line-spaces).  But my training-writer is writing times tables and measures this year.  She will need one or two notebooks.  I always add one extra for each student because I would rather have extra than to buy them at 4 to 10 times the sale price!  (Most of us homeschool on a budget, don’t we?)

Oh, yes, another trick I learned was to buy college-ruled notebooks because you get extra lines at the bottom.  (Silly, but it also makes you write smaller thus more work ends up on one page.)

We bought 22 notebooks this year!  Staples & Officemax both claimed the “normal” price for a college-ruled store-brand notebook with 70 pages was $2.49.  I know Walmart has them for $1.20 or so and the thrift shops have partially used ones for $0.50. They were on sale for $0.25, usually I can find them for $0.10, but this year if someone had them super cheap, I missed that sale.  Shopping the sales essentially saved us $20.90 just on notebooks.  (The receipts claimed we “Saved” way more, but I base my savings off the cheapest normal price, not the inflated office supply store price.)

Pencils, erasers, markers, rulers, and other assorted small things I usually buy from thrift stores because you can get a lot more used items less expensive than the sale price on new ones.  Rebeccah does Sunday School and likes to buy cute craft stuff for it, which is also less expensive (and a much larger collection for choose from) at the thrift stores.

Backpacks are another thrift store buy.  I generally choose to spend less than five dollars on a backpack.  Someone’s hand-me-down from last year often has a lot of wear left in it.  We use backpacks for school stuff, travel bags (you can only carry what you can fit in your backpack), and overnight bags for Grandma’s house trips.  Even Lucas has a backpack (a cute smaller Cars one we found for a dollar at a thrift store).  He’s funny, when we’re headed to drop off at college, I’ll say “grab your school stuff.”  (Generally, a writing tablet or book)  Lucas puts two books (usually two the bigger girls have been reading – lately a favorite has been Prince Caspian), his crayon box, and his tablet in his backpack and will say “I’m ready for my school!”  His backpack swallows him!

We have learned to use the before-school sales to help keep our expenses low yet still get the items we like to use.  (Filler paper is cheaper than using notebooks, but I’ve learned notebooks are neater and easier.)  The older girls need computer paper for some college assignments and CAP work, so we also tend to buy computer paper during the sales times as they will have some super mail-in rebate offer or something.

The coolest part of shopping for school supplies is the practical math lessons that go along with it!  (I can find lessons in everything!)

Thanks for reading!

Type at you next time…

~Nancy Tart


Celebration: Disney Springs

How better to celebrate a long first day of college semester than to watch fireworks from three parks atop the Disney Springs parking garage?

August 22, 2018

Celebration: Disney Springs

We love to explore free parks and things to do.  Like playing tourist in downtown Saint Augustine, visiting the beach, playing kickball or tennis at Treaty Park, or when Louis wants to “get out of Dodge,” exploring a bit farther away: Daytona Beach boardwalk, Jacksonville Landing, or Disney Springs.

This time he decided Disney Springs.  If you don’t go hungry or bring some snacks and water bottles, you can spend hours listening to live music, exploring cool sights, taking boat or bus rides, and spend nothing.  (Just the gas getting there, which for us is about $20.)  We dream of being able to “do Disney” at the actual parks, which will happen someday, but for now, Disney Springs is what my kids mean when they say “Disneyworld.”

Once we touch the edge of Orlando and see all the tall buildings, the entertainment has begun!  The girls and Lucas shout about seeing the tops of rides, “castles,” houses on top of big buildings, and roads going over us and under us!

They are building what appears to be a 5-level overpass system on I4!  The kids were trying to count how high it would be – they thought four, then realized we were already over two other lanes! (Yes, we get excited about crazy stuff like being on bridges, overpasses, and parking garages.)

Christina, Rebeccah, and Kimberly start telling stories of their one visit to Universal (Daddy’s birthday two years ago for Rock the Universe).  They laugh over Kimberly falling asleep on Daddy’s shoulders during the last concert and marvel at the weird purple mountain that is the icon for the new Volcano Bay waterpark.

As usual, it’s one of the girls who reminds me that I have a camera!


Kimberly took pictures of her favorite “cove” in Disney Springs.  This twist of sparkling water and beautiful plants fascinates Kimberly.


The beautiful “chess knight” fountain (the girls call it that because the horse heads remind them of chess pieces) is also Lucas’ favorite fountain.

Admiring the giant Lego statues is a must.


The giant water dragon was admired and discussed for almost fifteen minutes!


There’s Buzz and Woody from Toy Story (Kimberly loves that one).


Jillian and Lucas sat with the Lego Friends statues (and Lucas tried to do what he does to everyone else’s Lego creations, take them apart!).


We watched the Rain Forest Café’s Volcano explode with hot lava across the bay.


Kimberly’s favorite place to wander around is in the T-Rex eatery because she loves to jump when the robot dinosaurs move.  All lit up, it looks like a Mayan temple from this angle.


Another fountain picture appears since Lucas loves all fountains.

We raced to the top of the parking garage (we always park at the top level) so we could watch the fireworks from Epcot and Magic Kingdom at the same time!  A third park’s fireworks were a bit further in the distance, probably Disney Studios, but we weren’t sure.

We were going to stay to go watch the water parade on the Lagoon, but with everyone zonked from a long first day at college and the inability of the stroller to carry four people, we ended on the fireworks and journeyed home.

Yes, they all slept on the ride home, which made for some Mom and Daddy conversation time!

Thank you, Jesus, for our amazing life!

Thanks for reading!

Type at you next time…

~Nancy Tart


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