Life & Love, Unscripted

Life doesn’t have a template, neither does love. It’s all unscripted until it happens.

August 13, 2018

Life & Love, Unscripted

I love our church.  Landmark Family Church has been my home for almost 11 years!  I love that we do life, unscripted, instead of follow a template and expect everything God does to fit in tiny boxes.

Like Sunday morning.  The past two lessons have been right on what I’m studying, feeling, and hearing from God.  Wow.  Blows me away.

But this Sunday past seemed to blow away two people near me as well.  This is because God knows exactly what we all need to hear and somehow he manages to put just the right stuff into the speaker’s mouth so it affects everyone just as God wants it to.

God’s Word smashed in and messed up some apple carts yesterday and I love it when that happens!  (It’s like what you need to hear because you sometimes try to reason your way out of what you feel, so when someone else says it, you’re like “maybe I ought to listen.”  God does that a lot to me.)

We have this corporate thing about squirrels (you’ll see them everywhere) so the girls and I designed “The Landmark Tribe” squirrel stories as a way to give back.  (Everything we make from those books goes to our church!)

Rebeccah has been carrying a passion for helping at church in a specific way for over a year, but never said anything because we couldn’t always be at church on Saturday nights (they had been doing Saturday night services), but now, they are restarting regular Sunday morning service!  Rebeccah was ecstatic.  She spent all week preparing her “presentation booklet” to have all her ideas organized.  She was so scared she would be told no, and so thrilled when she was told yes!  (She spent all of today making notes look neater and printing up other ideas.  She kept saying “I can’t wait for Sunday!”)

Life is real.  Love is real.  I love that our church is real.  We are real people doing life together and coming together with the expectation of hearing God’s Word in a real way.  That’s how God uses us; you may sit down and a song speaks to your heart, or is seems the speaker is talking just to you.  That’s real.  That’s God’s love.  He does speak just to you.  He leaves the ninety-nine and makes a special trip to heal your heart.  That’s real Love.

Thank you, God, for Your love!

Thanks for reading!

Type at you next time…

~Nancy Tart

My Civil Air Patrol Cadet

July 12, 2018

My Civil Air Patrol Cadet

One day Louis was driving past the Saint Augustine Civil Air Patrol building and saw cadets marching around in uniform.  He stopped, asked them what they were, and raced home to tell Christina that he found the perfect activity for her.

She is my flying nut.  She loves planes.  Just like Lucas loves anything with wheels – she loves anything that flies (except mosquitoes and no-see-ums).  Better said; Christina loves anything mechanical that flies.

She’d studied famous flying people, physics, beat her way through math, and taken a helicopter tour for her birthday.  She’d talked with pilots as Louis shuttled them to the airport from their hotels.


She had the time of her life when some friends took her to the Jacksonville Air Show! (Photo credit above & below – Hannah Clark & crew)


The poster from that day was the first one tacked to her wall.

So, she “visited” the CAP meetings with Louis for three weeks – but Wednesday morning after her first meeting, she was like, “Mom, I’m going to join Civil Air Patrol.”  Of course, Christina’s decisions are never small – “I’m going to get to officer rank and they have all these things I can learn so I can get into programs to help me learn to fly…” and she continued talking me through the book and information someone had given her.


She is a scrimping saver and refused any help with CAP dues, fees, or for her first uniform.  (This is a point of pride for her – to be able to cover all her own expenses.  She saw God’s love in action, though, when she thought she wouldn’t be able to go to winter encampment but our amazing church family gave her enough money for the trip and the extra items needed!)


CAP gave her a grant to go toward buying her first blues uniform though – something about earning a certain rank.  (These are my borrowed shoes for her first day wearing blues.  Her real ones have a one inch heel and no decoration.)


Lucas loves Christina’s uniform – especially the caps (aka, covers).

Thanks to CAP, Christina has matured greatly in social interaction (you can order younger siblings around all day, but it is different ordering someone else around!).  She is more confident, more physically active, emotionally and physically stronger, and enjoying the company of respectful, goal-driven, encouraging fellow cadets.

Our family has learned some new terms: water is hydration, anything not a uniform is civies, a funny backpack with a water bag inside and a fishtank-hose looking straw hanging around the cadet’s neck is a camelback, among others.



We’ve swelled with pride watching our cadet march in parades (even if we only get a picture of her back half hidden behind another cadet)…


…assist veterans in her blues…



…and attend encampment as a student…


…and staff.

She’s constantly challenging herself to new higher limits – one day, I’m sure, she’ll touch the sky!

Thanks for reading!

Type at you next time…

~Nancy Tart






Guinea Pig “Toddler”

June 30, 2018

Guinea Pig “Toddler”

Since we had a baby Guinea Pig (Sweet Potato) born on the fourth of June, we’ve been studying Guinea Pig growth.

Oh my, do they grow fast!

Not only do these amazing animal moms deliver live babies with a full coat, open eyes, claws, and teeth, but the baby is about 20% of the mom’s size.  (About 10% to 15% of her weight though.)


Sweet Potato’s mom is Taylor (Picture is mom & baby)


Her dad is TobyMac (Picture is dad & baby)

At 22 days old, Sweet Potato learned how to go down the ladder from the hutch where she was born to the ground to graze on grass (Guinea Pigs are better tractors than chickens!  They graze grass down to about ½” tall and then squeal because they want more!).  The girls have now stopped calling her a “baby” and claim she’s a “toddler” Guinea Pig.


The girls have been loving on Sweet Potato since she was born.  They snuggle with and coddle all three adults, but Sweet Potato is the sweetest.  She knows how to tickle!


One day soon, Sweet Potato will find a lifetime home, but for now, the girls love “raising” her so she will keep being sweet and friendly!

Thanks for reading!

Type at you next time…

~Nancy Tart


An Attitude of Gratitude

June 24, 2018

Attitude of Gratitude

Have you ever felt depressed because something you planned for didn’t come to pass?  Something you wanted to do with someone didn’t pan out?  Have you ever thought you did everything you could but were still shoved down?

Sometimes an unexpected illness happens even when you are doing everything to keep yourself healthy.  That causes mountains of bills.  Maybe we are contract employees or making “too much” to qualify for assistance, yet we can’t afford insurance premiums.  Sometimes, even an insurance policy doesn’t help much.  Maybe, it turns $40K bills into $14K with “rate adjustments.” (That’s still $14,000!)   You thank God for discovering the cause and pray you can manage the enemy that infects your home so you can breathe.

Bills that big can bankrupt people.  Some medical providers will work with a former patient to take monthly payments.  But for some families, the additional $200 or $300 a month means no food.  (Yes, most will take $25 or $50 a month, but when you have six or eight different bills from one visit, that adds up to a lot.)   You know you have to pay it.  But you can’t manage it.  You can’t even go afford to visit the doctor for the required “follow-up.” You just pray.

Fiscally responsible people cancel all unnecessary expenses.  But when your annual clothing budget of $50 is already gone, you don’t go out to eat, you don’t do theaters, you don’t buy new things, you haven’t even replaced your broken couch with a $50 resale one, and you already spend less than $350 a month for food for 8 people, all you can do is cut food.  You just pray.

Or try to get a higher paying job.

But you’ve been applying for every job you think you have qualifications for in north and central Florida for over 20 months with only one interview and three emails claiming: “you are overqualified.”  That’s seriously frustrating.  You have no experience with “foodservice” or “retail” and all those jobs want experience.  You just keep applying; you pray each time you email, drop-off, or hand-in an application.  You pray God’s will for your job life and pray He opens a door for you.   You’ve expanded from a 20 mile commute to a 100 mile commute.  You just pray.

You can look for cheaper housing – but that’s hard when you are paying less than what you’d be required to pay for an income-restricted apartment.  You keep looking, but really don’t have any money to move anyway.  The home you’re renting is the cause of your medical illness and thus financial problems, so yes, you’d like to leave it; you just can’t afford to.  You just pray.

This is the time when it’s very hard to really mean “I’m believing God for my needs.”

Then you had planned to go visit family for a couple of days, but because of another unexpected expense, you find you won’t have the gas money to go.  Besides, if you miss work, you’ll just fall further behind in bills.

This is when you bury your head in your hands and scream.  You’ve been trying everything humanly possible, or so it seems, and something that appears it would be so simple for most people is just out of your grasp.  Driving 10 hours to visit your brother might as well be a mission to Mars.

You may not have control on the circumstances that have put you here, but you can control your attitude (how you handle this stage of life).

This is when you have to remember to encourage yourself.  You have to say “God, you are my Rock, my fortress, my help in time of trouble.  God, you are my provider, my father, and I thank you for life, health, and provision.”

You choose an attitude of gratitude.

You have to take stock in what you do have: you have a roof (even if it’s the cause of health issues you’ve never had), you have a job (your “unofficial second job” is what you love; just no paycheck yet), your children are doing well, your marriage is strong, and you have family and friends who love you.

The last three are the most important.

Family is life.

Money is just a currency of this world to give us stress.  We either stress because we don’t have enough and literally pray for our daily bread or stress because we have too much and worry about losing it.

I can choose to have an attitude of gratitude, be thankful for what God has gifted me and trust Him for everything else.  I want my children to see thankfulness and trust. This attitude works for every stage in life – valleys full of bills and mountains with plenty.

I choose gratitude – I choose to smile.  I choose to trust. I choose to rejoice.

Thanks for reading!

Type at you next time…

~Nancy Tart

The Fallen

May 27, 2018

“The Fallen”

Sometimes art inspires me.  Sometimes it’s hard to visualize large numbers.  These memorials do an excellent job.

I’ve heard of the origin of Decoration Day (Memorial Day) and often thought about the hearts of the women decorating the graves of fallen soldiers during the War Between the States.

Today, I learned of a beautiful memorial done on the Normandy beach on September 21, 2013 that memorialized the enormous loss of life in the absence of peace.  They called this project “The Fallen.”

Over 9,000 soldiers and civilians died on June 6th, 1944 as part of the liberation of France during World War II.

The artists chose to etch a human-sized body into the sand of the beach for each soldier and civilian who was reported to have lost their lives during the invasion.


Hundreds of volunteers came and 9,000 sand etchings were created to show the huge loss of people.  (above picture from Sand In Your Eye)

This picture from the cliff speaks volumes.  (picture below from Sand In Your Eye)


This memorial lasted a few hours until the tide slowly washed it away.  The image of this memorial reminds us of the human costs of war; as was quoted from Sand in Your Eye, the artists responsible, “[each figure was] a representation of a person that once lived, they had parents, family, friends… those people that lost their lives are no longer with us but on [this day] they spoke.” (quote from Sand In Your Eye)

Studying history, I understand the necessity of war to rescue people from hopeless situations of oppression, but that doesn’t lessen the sadness of loss.  I thank those who serve to protect us, the families of those who perished, and those who were not trained soldiers yet fought when they were needed.

As Memorial Day approaches, I remember those who sacrificed their lives for others.  If you can ever visit the memorials in Washington DC, do it; and remember that each name on a memorial is all we see of an entire life – family, friends, and dreams.  It hits home when your teary-eyed ten-year-old holds her hand an inch from the reflective black marble wall and says “that could have been granddaddy’s name and then we would be missing all his children and grandchildren.”

AlicePhone 989

Whether we agree with the war or not, we honor and remember each of the fallen.

Thanks for reading!

Type at you next time…

~Nancy Tart



Mother’s Day 2018

May 13, 2018

Mother’s Day 2018


(Yes, that’s my crazy, fun, brood with their Dad! – the featured image is with me!)

Today is Mother’s Day.

I’m grateful for my mother; for all the guiding and love.

As an adult, I’ve come to see that a lot of mothers compare themselves to others: their mother, grandmother, aunt, or friends. Sometimes, we perceive that everyone else is way better at this mother job than we are.  But that’s not how God wants us to see ourselves.

God blessed you with your children.  (Or the children you impact, like your nieces, nephews, friend’s children – you are impacting them too!)

He wanted you to have them!  (Isn’t that humbling? Imagine giving your child to someone else, that’s what God did when He entrusted his child(ren) to you!)

He knows you and he knows them – He knew it would be a perfect match.   With His guidance, you can do this!

Instead of comparing myself and ending up thinking I’m super failing, I analyze myself and try to make my attitude, behavior, response-time, or self better (self-improvement!) for them.  I want to be a better mom; everyone is growing and no one is perfect.  But God gave your child(ren) to you, your job is to be their mom!

Enjoy this stage of life without cutting yourself down.  Instead, if you find yourself feeling that you aren’t as good as you want to be (everyone feels this at some times), encourage yourself to improve.  Your child(ren) need you to be just what you are: Mom.  And they love you! (Yes, even at the teen stage when they may not say it anymore!)

Thank you to my Moms, Grandmothers, Aunts, mentors, and friends: you’ve all helped and inspired me!

Smile, dance, play dolls, build blocks, race matchbox cars, bake cookies, sing silly songs, take funny pictures; do all the fun things that you sometimes push away because you’re busy.  These little memories live in your children forever.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Thanks for reading!

Type at you next time…

~Nancy Tart


Homeschooling Challenge: Their Own Pace

April 12, 2018

Homeschooling Challenge: Their Own Pace

One of the challenges I’ve discovered in our home school journey comes from my philosophy to never keep one student back for another.   I allow them to advance at their own pace – if this means we spend eight weeks constantly studying and restudying one concept until we find a way to understand it or flying through a subject because it instantly clicks, we learn until we truly understand.

For instance, in our classroom (aka my kitchen table) right now:

Kimberly is working 7th grade arithmetic, 5th grade language, writing reports from a 4th grade science book, and studying high school vocabulary,

Jaquline is working 3rd grade arithmetic, 2nd grade language arts, a cursive writing K5 workbook, and 4th grade vocabulary,

And Jillian is working 3rd grade arithmetic, 3rd grade language arts, using a K5 manuscript writing practice, and reading 2nd grade readers.

This example would be easy if Jaquline and Jillian were twins.  Nope.  Jaquline is 8 and Jillian is 6.  Jaquline chooses to do “the bare minimum” (aka, only what mom assigns) for bookwork.  She is more interested in tagging along with her 12 year old sister when she’s watching her online Mastering Biology lectures.  She can tell you all about Mendel’s peas (the latest lecture subject) and can explain genetic color crosses in chickens (Rebeccah and Kimberly’s continuing project) and how to avoid genetic defects (aka crooked toes, hooked beak).  When she does her division, she does it all mentally!  She never has a carrying or borrowing error in operations (this was the most common error for mom, Kimberly, and Jillian).  She reads unabridged Tolkien and Hodges and loves them.  She has a very active imagination and writes with a neat calligraphic scroll.  So, when she is working, she does very well.

But she just isn’t interested in sitting down for bookwork.

Jillian, on the other hand, is at the “gung-ho” stage of elementary school.  She’s been doing workbooks since she started reading and flies through her work.  She sometimes has to go back and redo a concept (like carrying and borrowing numbers, greater than and less than, etc.) but once she’s gone through it for five or six times, she gets it and then we will hear her “teaching” Lucas or her dolls the newest understood concept.  Jillian often does the next days’ lessons just because, “I want to do more.”  She even does extra work from the back of the books “for fun!”

Jillian loves doing sit-down bookwork.

Improperly handled, this “younger child in higher grade” could cause contention in our home.

With the first instance where we had a student (our second one) surpassing another (our first one) in a subject, it caused concern for my husband and I because we didn’t want to “make learning a race” or “pressure” anyone.  Then we noticed the elder asking the younger how to figure out a problem.  They weren’t racing each other or fighting, one wasn’t irritated that the other was “over” her: they didn’t see it that way.  They treated each other as individuals and helped.  So now, we don’t worry about what “grade level” one child is at compared to another.  We continued to allow them to move through our “curriculum books” as they are able.

I’m careful to emphasize to my students that they are not in competition with each other; they are in competition with themselves.  Learning is competing with yourself.  We are to work to the best of our personal ability and strive for our best.   This is the same for anything in life!  We are to edify (build up) each other.  We don’t brag because that is cutting others down.  We rejoice when others succeed.  We rejoice when we succeed.  We are happy when we help each other.  We are thankful when others help us.  As iron sharpens iron, so we are to help each other and build each other up.

When love guides your life and reflects in your homeschool world, you foster a culture of mutual education where each student is treated with respect.   Your students learn to help others, rejoice with others, and ask for assistance when they need it without fear of ridicule.  That is part of my ultimate goal – teaching them to live in love.

Thanks for reading!

Type at you next time…

~Nancy Tart

Cousin Bonds

April 6, 2018

Cousin Bonds

I love watching the awesome relationships between my children and their cousins.  Cousins are something like siblings you don’t live with.  They know you, accept you just as you are, enjoy normal everyday things with you, and share one set of grandparents.  For my children, their cousins are their best friends.  My children are very fortunate to have most of their cousins close by.


The bond seems instant.  From crib days, they are inseparable!


They spend long minutes to make bubbles stick to another’s hair as a “crown.”


They turn part of the back yard in to an aerial picture (after two studying about the Hopewell Indians and mounds).  Their picture was dugout, in the shape of an elephant and a duck head, created to “hold wasted water.” (The photographer, Rebeccah, and Kimberly who had studied the mound builders, explained while building that this wasn’t heaped up dirt, but it  would look good from above.)


Sometimes fun is just looking through a magazine together.



Cousins turn long car rides into parties!


When Grandma joins in, cousin time is even more fun!


Cousins share passions with each other – like a love for waves, wind, and water! (Yes, the dots in the cool March water are most of the sister-cousins!)


When cousins move away, the distance doesn’t stop the love that they have for each other.  Even Lucas, who was two when his “baby Isaac” moved to the Midwest, still talks about “when Isaac and Mandy and their baby come play trains with me.”  (He’s never seen his “baby” cousin, JJ, except in pictures, but he loves him anyway!)  The beauty of cousin love is when they reunite, it doesn’t matter time, distance, or changes, each is so excited to see the other and they seem to instantly pick up where they left off; like the best of friends.

Thanks for reading!

Type at you next time…

~Nancy Tart



Fun and Games

April 2, 2018

Fun and Games

Yesterday for Easter Sunday we went to an Easter Party with the Landmark Family.  Any time we get together is a party. (You should come on Saturday nights at 6:30pm, it’s never boring!)  We call ourselves the Landmark Squirrels, which inspired a group of children’s books too!

This time there was food, (we have some amazing cooks in our church!) games, (the relay race had a sack race, egg-n-spoon-carry, and hopscotch – it was very entertaining!) and lots of good company.

While the adults were eating and chatting, two almost-three-year-old boys, flaunting their independence and comradeship, had wandered off.  They had discovered a sand pit!


I decided to get a little closer!  One of those sandmen was mine – Lucas, in the striped shirt.  I know, they are both in blue & jeans but that was not planned!  Lucas loves playing with Grayson.  Anytime we are going to church, he reminds us days in advance, “I go to Grayson’s church!” We’d been planning attending this party for at least a week, so Lucas kept reminding us anytime someone said “Easter” – “I’m going to play with Grayson on Easter!”


Trying to get a close up without disturbing wild animals in their play is challenging!  I managed two more shots before Lucas spied me.

The children found hidden Easter eggs.  Most were filled with candy (the prize ones had money!) but Kimberly said she found the best prize egg of all – it had a lovely little flower in it!


We played bean bag toss and the little ones chased bubbles.  We chatted about fun things and ate delicious food.  Most of my youngsters chose carrot cake and brownie-like cupcakes over their candy.  That is, until the boys drifted away and demolished an entire basket of candy, secretly (or so they thought!) but they’d been spied. (Moms are wise here; they knew the boys dropped more chocolate in the sand than what got in their mouths so this piracy was actually a good thing.)  We had a wonderful time!  It’s always fun to get together with family!  I always wish I never had to leave.

Thanks for reading!

Type at you later…

~Nancy Tart



Happy Easter!

April 1, 2018

Happy Easter!

Easter is a celebration of new life:

Once upon a time a man was charged with many crimes.  It appeared he’d lived a lifetime of crime.  The incriminating evidence was there.  Even the accused knew the judge would convict him – he was guilty.  He’d tried to do good things, really, but always ended up doing things he was quite ashamed of.  Cumulatively, his charges totaled the death penalty in his land.  It was no surprise, after about 10 seconds of thought, the judge’s result was guilty as charged; death.

Just as the bailiff started to move him away, another man entered the courtroom.  He said, “your honor, I choose to take this man’s place.”

The accused stood there, protesting.  The new entrant had never done anything wrong – ever.  The entrant was perfect while the accused knew he was guilty and deserved his sentence.

But no one was listening to the accused.

The bailiff released the accused and bound the newcomer instead.

The newcomer died in the accused’s place.

What if you were the accused and someone did that for you?

Jesus has. 

All of us have sinned (yes, even a “little white lie” is a sin) so we are all guilty.  In the final judgment, if you aren’t perfect, your sentence is death (eternal separation from God).   When Jesus chose to give his life for yours, He covered your sins with his blood so now there are no charges against you.  Now you can face the eternal judge with confidence.  You will not have to fear death.  You see, Jesus also broke the power of death when He rose from the grave.

All of this (and much more deep stuff, it’s really cool to learn about!) happened when Jesus was crucified, died, and rose!   What we now call the “first Easter” – though some people call Easter “Resurrection Day,” I like to think of it as “Redemption Day.” (Because Jesus redeemed us from death before he even knew us, isn’t that cool!)  All we have to do is trust Him and believe.  Wow!  Isn’t that easy?

If you ask, you’ll hear a soft voice saying “come to me.” Listen.  That’s Jesus.  He loves you.  He wants to have a relationship with you.

Start your celebration of new life with a new life!

Thanks for reading!

Type at you next time…

~Nancy Tart


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